Yeah, I kind of figured you didn't think I was a teenager since I suddenly gathered attention from the mighty Martin. :P Regarding my age, I'd rather not mention it here on the forum for everyone to read. :D Even though I already told so much about myself that it wouldn't be that difficult to figure out. :) I normally prefer letting my posts speak for themselves. Both the childish or serious ones. :)
Hehe, nice. Actually, on my last exam, which was in "Copyright Law", the 'case' was very much based around IT. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the EU-laws which give a developer of so called technical protection measures (for the prevention of making copies etc.) rights.
I absolutely love Law, for some reason. Some fields more than others of course. Criminal Law is coming up next semester, and I've been looking forward to that for quite some time. But so far, contract law has been a favourite field, as well as personal injury law and entertainment law.
Well, lol, it depends. A great hobby of mine is music production and mixing/mastering, so when I get some free time, I usually spend it doing that. But I have found myself reading Supreme Court verdicts, books on Law etc. even in my spare time, so I think it's safe to say I'm quite the geek for Law :D
It's good. Done with my exams for the year and will now have a full month to catch my breath, enjoy christmas etc. What sucks though is that I just got the flu :(
I needed to give it some rest, Martin. I hope to return with a few great ones in not too long. Apparently, my supply of lame tars wasn't endless. Who would've thought it, huh? :D
Well, not anything. But a lot. 2 years ago I was learning Italian and I spent endless hours watching bad movies, episodes of CSI Miami with dubbing and things like that.
All these tv clips on youtube, though, are a godsend. It's actually interesting, not merely in French. I'd much rather watch a debate show than endless episodes of a lame tv series.
I see. Taking it in your pace without an old geezer telling you what to read might be the preferred method.
Actually that was why I quit studying history at University. I'd rather read and choose the subjects myself + I didn't want to becone a High School teacher :D
Sounds like you got some books to get thru :) Ever thought of taking philosophy classes on your local University if possible to do while working full time.
I guess reading philosophy written in our time context makes the most sense. I've actually read a book by Fernando Savater about ethics called Ética para Amador which is quite good. Modern philosophy, I guess?
Philosophy. So interesting, yet so time consuming. I hope to have the time when I retire in 40 years to read thru some of the biggest 'names' in philosophy. (Have read some Kierkegaard and a decent amount of Platon/Plato)