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  1. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Is på, Internet warrior. Hvordan vil du smadre mig? Slår du mig med dine kalotter?
  2. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Hvor pædagogagtigt.
  3. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Ove Kaj?
  4. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    And if it's not in Danish, I will struggle like I do on this forum.
  5. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    I got hunch that Dante is too complicated for a noob like me.
  6. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    I'm not educated in this stuff. I find it fascinating and love political stuff. I asked Martin about philosophy too, but I never got further :D 'Leviathan' (which I also wanted to read last year) and 'The Prince' are on top of my list. I know it's random, but it's pure recreation. Do you know...
  7. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Read some law books and get a buttload of money to start with :D
  8. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Don't waste your money on that.
  9. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Obviously the pedagogics, but I really don't know much. That's why I asked which book; I'm planning to start some heavy reading for the first time in my life :) Schools are way too standardised in that sense and you loose interest quickly.
  10. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Oh, I know close to nothing. Just a tiny bit about hermeneutics. I was just asking, cause I want to start reading when I'm done with school and Heidegger caught my attention.
  11. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Not many people have the intellect. Some thesis' looks like they've been written by Rainman.
  12. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Which one?
  13. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    I think it's a silly comparisement.
  14. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    She was fucked up as a person too - even people close to her said that. Danish Liberals love her.
  15. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Unfortunately not. I just moved and started working, so I haven't had the time. I think I'm gonna start on it next month.
  16. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Is it some heavy reading? I'm thinking of reading it, when I start on my last internship. Saw a lecture with Quentin Skinner some months ago and found it a bit interesting.
  17. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Anyone read Hobbes "Leviathan"?
  18. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading

    Muchas gracias muchacha.
  19. Hængebøffer

    Books you're reading
