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Nov 26, 2006
A look right through Maradona's career in his own words.

Very interesting to hear his side of events regarding fall outs with the President at Barca, his relationship with the mafia at Napoli and the drug taking through his career.

Just hearing the other side of stories I'd heard about Maradona before.


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Finished couple of books of the classic series Hornblower (been dragging them out to savour em more), just finished a nice Irish crime noir called The Guards, unique writing style by Ken Buren, and locaction/setting (Galway) too.

Just started on a historical novel called Lion of Cairo, medieval Crusade times (fueding islamic dynasties, the Hashashiya's, intriguing) by Scott Oden. Real nice finding historical novels that arent based on western history (had bit of an south east asia historical novels binge just recently too)..


Koul Khara!
Aug 30, 2002
Nope havent, but in the mood for more prolly after I finish this one (5 books left). C.C Forrestesters Hornblower series is as autenthic as it gets prolly, very vivid storytelling. And everything I read about the series in comparison to others, said to be pretty much unrivalled in that score (naval warfare(setting).


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
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    Nope havent, but in the mood for more prolly after I finish this one (5 books left). C.C Forrestesters Hornblower series is as autenthic as it gets prolly, very vivid storytelling. And everything I read about the series in comparison to others, said to be pretty much unrivalled in that score (naval warfare(setting).
    You'll like O'Brian so. He's been praised for his ear for dialects (he was a translator professionally), the accuracy of his descriptions of shipboard life and his characterisation. I think every navel battle he describes is based on an actual event; he used read old naval reports and captain's logs for research. He was also a big fan of the Encyclopaedia Britannica of the time, which he used to make the ship doctor's knowledge of science and medicine period authentic.

    I haven't read any Hornblower. I think O'Brian probably gets a little more critical praise these days, though both series have their staunch defenders. O'Brian would have read the Hornblower series; I'm sure it was an influence.


    Senior Member
    Oct 2, 2003
    @Osman, I've been to a few bookstores in Dubai and all of them tell me that "Lion of Cairo" has still not been published and will be published in December. Did you buy it on Amazon or something??

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