Yeah, but he'd thought about this a lot - he'd written extensively about Socialism, the USSR's betrayal of it, the USSR's appoligists in English Socialism, the rise of totalitarianism, and many other aspects of the left-right divide. He'd his finger on the pulse of fascism, and if he argues that a racist jingoist isn't quite the same thing, I'll go with it.
good book, Craka. I've read the 4 or 5 books in the series so far and they are all great. Too bad the the fucker is taking forever to release the new book.
"A Song of Ice and Fire" is actually the name of the whole series. Just finished reading the fourth part, "A Feast for Crows," and the fifth book still hasn't been released although the author says he's been finished writing it for months. And there are supposed to be two more after that, so i don't know when I will ever get to finish it.
Anyone ever read "1984" by George Oswell? Is it good? I just started and so far so good.
Actually, whiny is a bit off my intended meaning. He's miserable, and much of the book is a torrent of his misery. It's not a very sympathetic presentation of a character.