Yeah if you look to Libanon, you have refugee camps for over 75 year there. It’s by design. I know from my barber (who is a Libanese Juventino, great guy), that those people aren’t allowed to have property besides a car. Diplomas aren’t recognised. So as a Palestinian you can go to the West-Bank, get your dentist license or whatever there and still be without work in Libanon. Also getting a loan for any type of business is almost impossible and you’ll need to have the help of a NGO. So hearing Trumps words just seem like a extension of a already inhumane situation abroad for Palestinians. There’s something to say for the surrounding countries aswel by the way, wether you agree as a neighbouring country that those people have the right to return or not, maintaining the status quo like this isn’t helping either of them, neither their own economy, and that for 3 generations now. Sounds like a very slippery slope, a repeat of the same situation.
I don’t have the answer for the current situation, probably having economic prosperity in Gaza is the best option for all countries and citizens involved, but that will be a decade long project now most of the area became a demolition zone. So sad that our civilisation isn’t stable