Serie A: Juventus vs Livorno [August 25 2007] (78 Viewers)

Jun 13, 2007
EXACTLYYYYY....I have said like a million times that they will always manage to have a better squad than us coz of Moneybags Moratti but they can never buy the class and prestige of the Old Lady
True , another thing I notice about inter is that they don't have players that are devoted to the team and have inter in their heart like juve , milan ,and even roma do .Apart from Zanetti who isn't even Italian , they don't have an instrumental figure in the team that has dedicated his carreer at inter .

They play with money , not heart .

Buy on


Sep 3, 2006
i think u must have an Italian as ure symbolic player to inspire you next-gen of young Italian stars...that way you dont have to keep looking in South America or the rest of Europe for your big players...maybe thats why Juve and Milan are more succesful
Jun 13, 2007
i think u must have an Italian as ure symbolic player to inspire you next-gen of young Italian stars...that way you dont have to keep looking in South America or the rest of Europe for your big players...maybe thats why Juve and Milan are more succesful
that's why teams like arsenal and inter are never consistent . Arsenal for example were unbelieveable during the henry-bergcamp days , after bergcamp left ,and that team split apart , Arsenal started finishing fourth and third . Nearly no english players in the squad and it's an english team . The youth of arsenal had to look up to a French player for inspiration . Now that french player is gone and the look for inspiration is who ? Fabregas ? He's like 19 years old and he's spanish . That's why this Arsenal will never have English stars in their team , because they always look for foriegn talent .

They might do well for a season or 2 , but after that it's over .


I also support Ac Milan.
Aug 27, 2007
Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums, I'd just like to start by saying forza juve, and great game against livorno, not one dull moment, juve may not have a completely packed team full of super star like inter,milan,barca etc, but they always have class,elegance, and taste of victory which many of those squads don't have, I also support milan so i won't point them out in particular as it's my main squad, but I vote Juve for Seria a, milan for europe, and inter, just like old times, nothing :)


Too busy to bother
May 20, 2006
Great result, good to see Trez prove those that doubted him wrong and that Iaquinta has such a good start, now confirm this next Thursday against Parma.
Sep 19, 2006
guys dont go sayin that Milan are stronger than Inter & shit like this.
Inter are still the 1 favourits to win the scudetto & even Milan fans know it,they have like 18 class players & that the diff. between them & any team in the league,if Julio Cesar didnt make this mistake yesterday,Inter could ve won 3_0 easily!
I still think we can compete for this season scudetto till the last weeks depending on playin every game with the same spirit & personality as the first match!!
Anyway this season serie a will be very hard for everyone & will also be very great to watch with the likes of Fiorentina,Palermo,Udinise,Lazio & sampadoria playing very offensive football for a Change!!


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
did you guys notice how Ranieri was varying the corner kicks but always played an in swinging corner to pressure the keeper. I hope its a tactic that would change during games and from game to game, makes the team less predictable :tup: to Ranieri in my books
Sep 19, 2006
did you guys notice how Ranieri was varying the corner kicks but always played an in swinging corner to pressure the keeper. I hope its a tactic that would change during games and from game to game, makes the team less predictable :tup: to Ranieri in my books
I noticed this & I really admired it.
I feel that Ranieri has a lot of great tactics & I cant wait for the next match.


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
guys dont go sayin that Milan are stronger than Inter & shit like this.
Inter are still the 1 favourits to win the scudetto & even Milan fans know it,they have like 18 class players & that the diff. between them & any team in the league,if Julio Cesar didnt make this mistake yesterday,Inter could ve won 3_0 easily!
I still think we can compete for this season scudetto till the last weeks depending on playin every game with the same spirit & personality as the first match!!
Anyway this season serie a will be very hard for everyone & will also be very great to watch with the likes of Fiorentina,Palermo,Udinise,Lazio & sampadoria playing very offensive football for a Change!!
I beg to differ... i believe milan have a superior first team & espicially in their midfield, sure inter have depth but they lack the killer instinct!


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
zzz Inter...such a waste of space
Oh, I don't know, though. Cordoba's own goal gave me a laugh!:D

True , another thing I notice about inter is that they don't have players that are devoted to the team and have inter in their heart like juve , milan ,and even roma do .Apart from Zanetti who isn't even Italian , they don't have an instrumental figure in the team that has dedicated his carreer at inter .

They play with money , not heart .

Hi everyone, I'm new to these forums, I'd just like to start by saying forza juve, and great game against livorno, not one dull moment, juve may not have a completely packed team full of super star like inter,milan,barca etc, but they always have class,elegance, and taste of victory which many of those squads don't have, I also support milan so i won't point them out in particular as it's my main squad, but I vote Juve for Seria a, milan for europe, and inter, just like old times, nothing :)
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!:)
Sep 19, 2006
I beg to differ... i believe milan have a superior first team & espicially in their midfield, sure inter have depth but they lack the killer instinct!
If I had to choose between Milan or Inter winnig the scudetto,I would chose Milan in a second but lets be realistic the Inter team is far better in every position,Inter has all they need to win the scudetto this year but their only problem is that they are INTER & INTER mean CRAP!!
Actually if it wasnt for Kaka,I would've said Milan will fight for a CL place this year,they had the worst summer transfers among the 20 serie a teams,they kept tryin to get a world class player(ronaldinho,etoo & drogba) & they forgot that they need backups in every position espcially in the back & they ended up with the Old Emerson.If Kaka or Nesta got injured this season,trust me Milan will suffer like hell!!


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2007
If I had to choose between Milan or Inter winnig the scudetto,I would chose Milan in a second but lets be realistic the Inter team is far better in every position,Inter has all they need to win the scudetto this year but their only problem is that they are INTER & INTER mean CRAP!!
Actually if it wasnt for Kaka,I would've said Milan will fight for a CL place this year,they had the worst summer transfers among the 20 serie a teams,they kept tryin to get a world class player(ronaldinho,etoo & drogba) & they forgot that they need backups in every position espcially in the back & they ended up with the Old Emerson.If Kaka or Nesta got injured this season,trust me Milan will suffer like hell!!
i get where ur coming from but i still disagree.. after watching almost every game so far i think milan are a much better team as in not just individuals.. milan have the players who can win a match with somethin special (kaka, pirlo, even ronaldo when he wants 2)... when i watch inter played the other night i didnt see any major worries for us nor milan n TBH i think theyre an overated team with nothing special, the only players who r relatively good are ibra n maicon n there amateaur coach doesnt know how to utilise his players to play as a team


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
La stampa's ratings of our players.

Le pagelle bianconere
Tripletta del francese che
a giugno voleva andare via
Iaquinta completa la festa,
la Juve travolge il Livorno

Buffon 6
DISOCCUPATO. Resta sveglio solo per qualche punizione che gli capita nei pressi, perché per il resto il Livorno rimane ai confini della zona rossa.

Salihamidzic 6
UTILE. Da terzino destro, fa un bel numero, pure elegante, in disimpegno, ma calibra male qualche traiettoria dall’altra parte (dal 29’ st Zebina 6).

Andrade 6
TRANQUILLO. Sbaglia il primo appoggio, che potrebbe anche costare caro, ma poi si riprende subito, tenendo a bada senza affanni Rossini.

Criscito 6,5
SICURO. Stoppa Tavano, che aveva armato il destro, e poi si fa sempre trovare al posto giusto. Zero emozione, quando mette le zampe sul pallone, lo pilota fuori a testa alta, innescando il centrocampo.

Chiellini 6,5
OPERAIO. Non si vede davanti, ma tampona Filippini e anche Volpe non gli fa danni.

Nocerino 6
AGONISTA. Si fionda sugli oggetti che passano dalle sue parti, ma quando si mette il pallone fra i piedi non ha sempre lucide visioni di gioco.

Almiron 6,5
ALTERNO. Mischia buone aperture a giocate che non rendono giustizia al suo talento. Prova qualche sparo, ma senza troppa mira (dal 34’ st Tiago sv).

Zanetti 7
GARANZIA. Quando il fisico l’assiste, è una garanzia. Spreca pochissimo.

Nedved 6,5
INOSSIDABILE. Senza magie, ma sempre con quell’agonismo che lo rende indigesto, per chi lo incrocia.

Trezeguet 7,5
DECISIVO. Sullo stesso prato che, tre mesi fa, lo vide minacciare l’addio, Trezeguet continua a offrire la specialità della casa: fra Knezevic e Galante, spunta la sua testa, per la deviazione che infila Amelia. Nel finale serve il raddoppio. Non cambia mai: pare ai margini della partita, ma quando ha il colpo, difficilmente spara a salve.

Del Piero 6,5
LAVORATORE. Tocca molti palloni e, anche se l’efficacia del dribbling è alterna, cerca sempre di pescare qualcuno: dalla sinistra mette l’assist per la deviazione vincente di Trezeguet. (dal 15’ st Iaquinta 7. Centro al primo colpo, come gli era successo a in C, in B e a Udine).

Jve Kuwaitia

::+:: Lover Juventus ::+:
Aug 18, 2006
congratulation To all Juve fans ... :heart2:

that was super match and great beginning ... :toast: :thumbs:

Trezegoal was Really Super in the match .. and all players ... :agree:
Sep 19, 2006
i get where ur coming from but i still disagree.. after watching almost every game so far i think milan are a much better team as in not just individuals.. milan have the players who can win a match with somethin special (kaka, pirlo, even ronaldo when he wants 2)... when i watch inter played the other night i didnt see any major worries for us nor milan n TBH i think theyre an overated team with nothing special, the only players who r relatively good are ibra n maicon n there amateaur coach doesnt know how to utilise his players to play as a team
I'll have to agree on one point,Milan players know how to win important matches as they do in the CL & thats why they are so succesful in europe,but against smaller teams in serie a they are not consistent at all & u will see that in the coming week,they could win a game by 3 or 4 goals & put a good performence & then come back & draw or lose the next match.
As for Inter cmon Ibra & Maicon only!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julio Cesar is a very good keeper,Zanetti is MOM,Materaii as much as I hate his guts he is a good defender,Chivu is one of the best & most talented defenders in the world,Maicon is turning to be smthing really great,Viera,Cambiasso,Dacourt,Figo,Stankovic,Suazo,Crespo,Cruz I could go on & on & finally their Fucken hit man Zlatan,I know everybody here cant stand him but he is by far the best striker in Serie a.
So on the paper Inter are the nbre 1 favourits & everybody know this but they have a fucked up coach & a fucked up personality but still in 38 matches I think the players will have their say in the end but lets wait & see,I would be so happy if Roma or Milan won this year scudetto & not Inter & as I said before if we played every match with the same personality as the first match we might be able to compete(winnig is maybe too far) but who knows we r JUVEEE!!


Sep 3, 2006
If I had to choose between Milan or Inter winnig the scudetto,I would chose Milan in a second but lets be realistic the Inter team is far better in every position,Inter has all they need to win the scudetto this year but their only problem is that they are INTER & INTER mean CRAP!!
Actually if it wasnt for Kaka,I would've said Milan will fight for a CL place this year,they had the worst summer transfers among the 20 serie a teams,they kept tryin to get a world class player(ronaldinho,etoo & drogba) & they forgot that they need backups in every position espcially in the back & they ended up with the Old Emerson.If Kaka or Nesta got injured this season,trust me Milan will suffer like hell!!
i would choose Siena

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