You gave very good example, and for this reason religion shouldn't be used as a tool for politics. You said it yourself Imams talking about politics in the mosques, where they should talk about God and Prophets.. You think there are no crazy imams? There are imams that say good things about people who pay them good money, you think we don't have imams here who praise the president? so they are telling the truth just because they are imams? There was an imam who gave a fatwa for Qaddafi so that someone kills him, don't you think that is retarded? Hate him or not, you think this is the way to punish criminals? which age are we living?
You think I don't hate on what's going on in this country? I hate it more than everybody in this forum, and I always keep talking about the negative parts of the country. But the people are not ready for change, or democracy. I know that might sound rubbish but it is the case, just like you said it in your example, the same here would ask for Islamic nation, and the country will go more backward and that not just because Islam is bad, that is not my point, but the reason is because religions are the most dangerous weapons, tools.. The ones will come will use it the way they want it. Just like Iran and Suadia. Yes I want changes in this country too, but it should start from the root, from the people, education, then the government..
yes some imam's r soooooooooooooo pro the government even though they are fully aware of how corrupt the leaders are, but also int he same time there are imam's out there who get prisoned, get tortured, get kicked out of the country for speaking the truth not bec they believe in it soo much but bec they believe in it and fear god. snoop i'm fully aware of yr fears and trust me not just you but the majority of us fear this not bec our religion is strict ( if u take a min to think about it clearly and properly) but bec bro who will enforce these teachings?!?! are they people who r aware of religion perfectly, or are they people who use religion for a totally different agenda and as a means of controlling people. these two bro are very different. i should let u know that being a leader is sooooooooooooooooooo much responsibility religion wise snoop, infact there are a lot of hadiths by the holy prophet that state that the first to be judged are the leaders and if they were fair and just or corrupt like the scum we had.
yes i agree with u i dont want politics and religion to mingle together, but that does'nt mean i dont want egypt to be identified as an islamic, arab, and african nation. i dont want to follow the iranian and saudi example nor do i want to be turkey either. no disrespect to any nation but i dont think its right. egypt is a coptic islamic nation and that is sth the entire world knows including the religious figures who admit egypt was a coptic country and then the muslims spread islam and the arabs settled in egypt. any way this is my point of view and i'm once again not saying u are wrong u r free to have yr opinion and i respect it but i hope u try to find out more about the real rulings of leadership in islam bec u will find out that we r yet to have some one in the arab world who follows these clear guidelines. saudi does'nt follow them, iran does'nt follow them either.
as for people not being ready for democracy, i think thats a very un-fair assumption snoop, if countries dont start making forward moves even if at risk then when will we ever be like the rest of the developed countries?!?! if we all think this way bro then we might as well never complain about all the un-justice we have to live with in our home land and accept defeat and accept being humilated both in our countries and abroad. i really and completely disagree with u in this point. if we r not ready for democracy its not the people's fault snoop its these corrupt governments that have corrupted every institution that builds people who are aware of there rights not the people's fault.
and finally before i move to yr second post, the karadawi fatwa came at a time where a murderer ( thats the word u can use to describe a lunatic who uses full military power to kill people with no weapons) went on a killing roll. yes killing is wrong i agree but in this case no bro bec its in prevention of more blood shed as we are witnessing now. i lost track of the body count in libya that in it self tells u how big a ma scare it is over there.
Aren't you contradicting yourself with those two lines? You say it is worse than Gaddafi, and you are wishing them down? How will that happen?people will give them bunch of roses and they will step down?
bro the way i see it, people have to choices there is no third. u live in this region snoop and u know this more than me these leaderships want to take the ruling chair with them to the grave i,e they will not give it up to any one. so u r left with options 1 - accepting this and never complaining about how corrupt and sorry for this labelling but retarded level of thinking we have reached or u go to option 2
option 2-- u do what tunisia started, followed by egypt and now libya and yemen, yes people are falling by the hundreds but its a price that has to be paid for people to get there rights. in tunisia just like egypt and libya every one old, young, rich, poor, educated, illetrate, christian, muslim, atheist women ,men all went out bec they believe they deserve better and i'm pretty sure deep inside u know u deserve better, u deserve to have yr rights, u deserve to live in peace and with no discrimination bec u yr religion is not islam or bec u believe in a certain sect of islam, u deserve to be able to reach un limited hieghts as a person, u deserve to have dreams and get the chance to ful fill them.
if people dont aspire for this, then its better just wish death come to us sooner than to leave with no dignity like all of us have been living for the past 100 years.
note: Deneb has an opinion against revolutions, and i respect his opinion and i understand his point of view bec what he said happened but the only difference i have with deneb is i believe this is the beginning of a brighter and better future for us, yes it will come slowly, yes it will be chaos for a while, but at the end of the day all this chaos and uncertainity at least gives u hope that may be we will get sth better than the rulers we've had sucking our souls and blood for the past 30 years ( in egypts case) and forever in syria's,and libya's case.
also please note, i'm not insulting u or belittling yr opinion i respect it a great deal but i simply dont agree with yr point of view that this is written in stone that we have to live under such one dimensional systems.
sorry i dragged on and on i got carried away